Many people want to avoid credit card while renting a car. It looks harder to rent a car using debit card or cash. Not all the car renting companies allow you to do that. But there are few like car rental express that offer you renting a car with cash or debit card in almost in all the cities of United States.
In renting car, credit card is the mostly preferred method. Firstly, most of the car rental companies offer rental insurance. And secondly, they can directly charge you if there are any damages while you are returning the car. Anyway not all the customer or people want to make use of their credit card. Let’s have a look how to hire car rentals without credit card.
Renting Car Using Debit Card
Most the banks provide a debit card with the checking or saving account. So if you have one then you must be carrying a debit card. In some car Rental Company the debit card will work well. You can rent a car using your debit card. But a few things should be in regard, as in
Some car renting companies who allow debit card can make your card go through a credit check. And if the credit score check report does not meet the company’s criteria, they will not possibly allow you to rent car. In that you have to deposit a large amount until you return the car. Sometimes the deposits might be held for ten or more days even after returning the car. This clearly means the deposited amount is not a part of your credit balance during the time period. And you should be careful about overdraft fees.
Even many of the car rental companies require a rental insurance to cover the driver of the renting car. If you have not the insurance, rental insurance needs to be purchased. But in car rental express you can rent a car with debit card with no deposit. You can book your car on the official website and get the car in various location of United States.
Renting Car with Cash only
There only few companies like Car Rental Express will allow you to rent a car with cash only. There only few companies like Car Rental Express will allow you to rent car with cash only. And car rental express is one of them. You need to simply pay the rent of the car in cash. And the good news is no deposit is requirement. This is what makes the difference of car rental express from other car rental company.
If you are going to other company they demand for insurance paper and cash deposit. But is everywhere you have to provide a valid copy of driving license. As long as you are with this basic document, you are well on your journey having a rental car. Happy journey!